La conductora emblema de Telefé Noticias habla del rol de los comunicadores y de la pasión extrema por su vocación. Además se refiere a su reciente separación del empresario Gustavo Grobocopatel, su singular visión de la maternidad y su anhelo de siempre volver enamorarse.
“En el amor no existe el fracaso”
La conductora emblema de Telefé Noticias habla del rol de los comunicadores y de la pasión extrema por su vocación. Además se refiere a su reciente separación del empresario Gustavo Grobocopatel, su singular visión de la maternidad y su anhelo de siempre volver enamorarse.
Archivado en: bar, bbc, Blanco y negro, confesiones, noticias, periodista, radio mitre, soja, telefé
Edición Nro: 582
This poistng knocked my socks off
I’m glad to hear from someone who had a “surprise” c-section – another way that the best laid plans (for birth, or otherwise!) can go astray. I’m also glad to hear that your recovery was quick and your fitness helped in that regard; it’s a good motivator to stay fit throughout the entire pregnancy! I’m hearing a lot from moms who’re letting me in on the fact that the comments don’t stop upon giving birth – something I’m going to have to get used to once the “little one” arrives – yikes!! ps: after reading your post, I now am going in search of cucumbers to add to my lunch – they sound delicious!
Kat Sloma Can I just say, I love that I'm not alone here! It is so much fun to hear all of the stories. And Karin, my colors have changed over time too.
Om du klarer å holde høy puls i 45-60min er du både flink til å presse deg, og har god utholdenhet. Dette har selvsagt like god effekt som om du skulle løpt ute, eller syklet. Det er ikke det Ida sikter til.
A A Posted on “…Un jurnalism de calitate, bazat pe informaÅ£ii exacte ajută cetăţenii să fie mai informaÅ£i ÅŸi mai activi. Iar existenÅ£a unor cetăţeni mai responsabili consolidează democraÅ£ia…”Vise, taica, la Mitocanica. Vise de 1000 de ani si 1001 povesti.
After the debates there needs to be a series of political commercials that just show romney saying something, then the refutation. i don’t know how many lies can be covered in a 30 second ad, just keep doing them and until its all covered and have them numbered sequentially or somethingHell, have President Obama do the voice over for the part where the truth is stated. “I’m Barack Obama, and this guy’s a lying shit bucket”